Image of St. Colmcille's JNS

St. Colmcille's JNS

Principal: Mr David Curtin
Tel: (01) 494 7422


School History and Organisation
The school was officially opened on Thursday the 31st March 1977 by An Taoiseach, Mr. Liam Cosgrave T.D. and blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Ryan, Archbishop of Dublin. There were two teachers and fifty seven children on the opening day. It was built as a 16 teacher school allowing for four classes in each grade from Junior Infants to Second Standard.


St. Colmcille’s Junior National School has 29 classes catering for Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First and Second standards. The Principal teacher is Mr. David Curtin and Mrs. Ita Corduff is Deputy Principal.


There are 44 teachers on the staff. The average class size is 26 pupils.


The main school building was refurbished recently providing a bright modern teaching and learning environment. The Board of Management has applied to the Department of Education and Science for permanent classrooms to replace the large number of prefabricated classrooms currently in use.


The school delivers a varied curriculum as prescribed by the Dept. of Education and Science.


The following subjects are taught in our school: Religion, Irish; English; Mathematics; Music; Social Personal and Health Education; Social, Environmental and Scientific Education; Visual Arts; Drama; and Physical Education.


Teaching is enhanced by the provision of an extensive programme of extra

curricular activity including Gaelic Games, Indoor Soccer, Speech and Drama lessons, Recorder and Tin Whistle lessons, Swimming Instruction, Gymnastics and School Tours.


The development of our ICT resources in recent years bears testimony to the generosity of parents.  Each class now has its own PC, printer and suitable educational software including ipads.  We have recently revised our Digital Learning Plan (DLP).


The Parents Association
The Parents Association is a great support to the school, providing funds and assistance with special projects: Book week, Christmas celebrations, playground improvements etc.


The Junior School building is used regularly by the extended community.   Renowned as the venue for the parish Christmas Fair, the building also hosts the Knocklyon Concert Band’s music lessons and Encore’s Speech and Drama classes.
Go to St Colmcille’s Primary Parents Association


Religious Instruction
Religious instruction is a fundamental part of the school curriculum. An awareness of God’s presence in the lives of the children is fostered through the beauty of nature and human experiences. The programme aims to awaken and develop each child’s social and moral awareness.


As parents we have accepted the responsibility at Baptism of giving our children a Christian upbringing. Values such as love, truth, beauty, respect, care, co-operation, honesty and concern are fostered in the school and integrated into the education of the pupils. The children are explicitly introduced to God’s presence in their lives through biblical and liturgical teaching and through the witness of Christian living. The example of Christian living by parents is of course vital and indispensable – a child learns what he lives!


The children of Second Class are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.


The wishes of parents are respected fully in the matter of Religious Instruction and no pupils shall receive or be present at any Religious Instruction of which their parents disapprove.



We have a new Admissions Policy, please see our school website for full details. 


Parent Teacher Meetings
Parents may consult with their child’s teachers regarding progress on specified dates during the year, usually in November.  Face to face meetings have not been possible during the pandemic and have been replaced with online meetings.


All visitors to the school must use the entry at the front entrance. They will be admitted by our secretary. They must then report to the school office, which is located at the front of the school.  All visitors must sign in and sign out when visiting the school and/or collecting a child early from school.


The Board of Management consists of eight members.

  1. Two members appointed by and representatives of the patron.
  2. Two members, parents of children enrolled in the school, elected by parents.
  3. The Principal teacher of the school.
  4. One other teacher on the staff elected by the staff.
  5. Two members of the wider community.

The Board serves a four year term and is responsible for the general management and day to day maintenance of the school.

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