Mass Times
Monday: 10:00
Tuesday: 10:00
Wednesday: 10:00
Thursday: 10:00
Friday: 10:00
Saturday: 10:00|19:00
Sunday: 09:30|12 noon
Holy Days: 7 pm Vigil/ 10.00
Bank Holiday: 10.00
Saturdays: 10.30 am, 6.45 pm or anytime on request.
Second and Third Saturdays at 12 noon. Contact Parish Office for dates.
All couples must give 3 months notice of their intent to marry. Contact Parish Office (01) 494 1204
Parish Office
Tel (01) 494 1204; Fax (01) 494 6842. Office Hours: Mon-Thurs: 9.30 am – 4 pm; Friday: 9 am – 3 pm
All enquires: Booking Masses, Certificates, Letters of Freedom, Knocklyon News, etc.
Secretary: June Keenan Email:
Booking Of Masses
Anniversary/Special Intention Masses may be booked Monday to Friday by calling or contacting the Parish Office at 494 1204 – (9.30 to 12.30 pm) or speaking to any of the parish clergy.
Iona Centre
Tel. (01) 4943712; Fax: (01) 494 3877 Email: Director: Lynda Bradshaw-Dunn
St. Colmcille Senior Primary: Tel. (01) 494 2527 Priomhoide: Mr. B. Mc Gowan
Junior Primary: Tel. (01) 494 7422 Priomhoide: David Curtin Community School: Tel. (01) 495 2888 Priomhoide: John McKennedy
Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna: Tel (01) 493 9262 Priomhoide: Moya Ni’Ghallachoir
Community Centre
Knocklyon Youth & Community Centre Tel. (01) 494 3991 KNOCKLYON NEWS Email:
Bethany Bereavement Support Group
Contact No. 086 346 4556
St Vincent de Paul Society
Contact No: 087 324 6321
Our Sick
Please notify the priests of the parish if someone you know is sick at home or in hospital and would like a priest to call to see them.
Sunday Mass Times in nearby parishes:
Ballyroan: Saturday: 7:00 pm; Sunday: 10.00 am, & 12:00 noon
Ballyboden: Saturday 6:30 pm; Sunday: 10:30 am,12 noon & 6:30 pm
Firhouse: Saturday: 6:00 pm; Sunday: 10:30 am & 12:00 noon
Rathfarnham: Saturday: 6:45pm; Sunday: 8:30am, 9:30am, 10:45, 12:00 noon & 4:30pm
Templeogue: Saturday: 7:00pm; Sunday: 9:30am, 11:00am & 12:30pm
Links to Neighbouring Parishes’ Websites: